The Electronic Components Industry Association (ECIA) is made up of the leading electronic component manufacturers, their manufacturer representatives and authorized distributors. Its members share a common goal of promoting and improving the business environment for the authorized sale of electronic components. Comprised of a broad array of leaders and professionals representing all phases of the electronics components supply chain, ECIA is where business optimization, product authentication and industry advocacy come together. Its members develop industry guidelines and technical standards, as well as generate critical business intelligence. Refer to EIA.

Electronic Components Industry Association (ECIA)

Electronic Components Industry Association (ECIA)

ECIA operates as a nonprofit organization. The Organization advocates for the electrical component industry. ECIA provides meetings and conferences, educational resources, and certification and training programs.

ECIA provides resources and opportunities for members to improve their business performance while enhancing the industry’s overall capacity for growth and profitability. From driving critical conversations and process optimization to product authentication and industry advocacy, it is your trusted source for support, insight and action.

Bringing together the talent and experience of a broad array of industry leaders and professionals representing all facets of the electronics components supply chain, ECIA is uniquely positioned to enable individual connection as well as industry-wide collaboration. As the supply chain becomes increasingly more complex, it serves as a vital nexus for refinement and progress.

Expansion and uncertainty seem to be the only true constants in the electronics industry today. In this dynamically shifting environment, reliable market intelligence is at a premium. Because ECIA’s members are the marketplace, we provide a level of visibility into the supply chain otherwise unavailable. From individual anecdotes gleaned from conversations at an ECIA event, to our exclusive market reports, we help keep you in the know.

As an organization made up of the leading electronic component manufacturers, their manufacturer representatives and authorized distributors, ECIA members share a common goal of promoting and improving the business environment for the authorized sale of electronic components to the end customer.