What Is Reluctance?
Magnetic Reluctance, or Magnetic Resistance, is a concept used in the analysis of magnetic circuits. It is defined as the ratio of magnetomotive force (mmf) to magnetic flux. It represents the opposition to magnetic flux, and depends on the geometry and composition of an object.

Inductively Coupled PCB Coils Model
Magnetic reluctance in a magnetic circuit is analogous to electrical resistance in an electrical circuit in that resistance is a measure of the opposition to the electric current. The definition is analogous to Ohm’s law in this respect. However, magnetic flux passing through a reluctance does not give rise to dissipation of heat as it does for current through a resistance. Thus, the analogy cannot be used for modelling energy flow in systems where energy crosses between the magnetic and electrical domains. An alternative analogy to the reluctance model which does correctly represent energy flows is the gyrator–capacitor model.
Magnetic reluctance is a scalar extensive quantity, akin to electrical resistance. The unit is inverse henry, H−1.
The term reluctance was coined in May 1888 by Oliver Heaviside. The notion of “magnetic resistance” was first mentioned by James Joule in 1840. The idea for a magnetic flux law, similar to Ohm’s law for closed electric circuits, is attributed to Henry Augustus Rowland in an 1873 paper. Rowland is also responsible for coining the term magnetomotive force in 1880, also coined, apparently independently, a bit later in 1883 by Bosanquet.
It is usually represented by a cursive capital R.